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Civic Association Autumn 2015 Newsletter

Our Midsummer Events were much enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. The Friday evening concert in the Church was well attended and set the weekend off to a fine start. The Lamb Feast seems to get better year by year. The lengthy preparation for this event and the hard work that goes into it is much appreciated. From the moment the cavalcade of classic cars and our fire engine entered the Castle Green, the atmosphere built up. The schools provided music with their bands, some fifty stalls represented community organisations throughout Plympton, demonstrations of judo impressed the crowds, and refreshments ranging from teas in the Church Tent to lamb rolls, hot dogs and corn on the cob, kept energy levels high! On Sunday’s Hidden Gardens the visitors were entertained by street magic and music, an Art Exhibition in the Guildhall, and teas at St. Vincent’s. Over thirty gardens were open and our thanks are due to the residents for making this day possible.

The Pop Up Cinema has proved very successful. This project is part of the effort to save our Guildhall. The first Friday of each month sees cinema goers enjoying their popcorn and a film in a social atmosphere. The next films are A Royal Night Out-6th November,

Woman in Gold-4th December and for Christmas Cinderella-23rd December(Advance Tickets £4 from Envy Hairdressing). Do come and enjoy the evenings. FROGS, Friends of the Guildhall, are engaged in the long process of working with Plymouth City Council and the Charity Commission in preparation for funding bids so that the Guildhall can remain at the heart of a vibrant community.

The Big Lunch was blessed with good weather and has become part of our social calendar. We are again indebted to the hard work of those who make it possible.

Our primary aim in the Association relates to conservation and the History Week in May gives an opportunity to work with Plympton & District Civic Society which spearheads the event so successfully. We try to share our pride in our past with guided walks and talks throughout the year.

We are pleased that after many years of effort, Historic England, Plymouth City Council and ourselves have been able to restore the Castle Mound so that the castle has regained its former prominence. Though there is still work to be done on the walls, much preliminary planning has been done. The improvements in accessibility and the views have been much appreciated. The Interpretation Panel will be replaced in the near future.

The impact of Sherford remains an important issue. Discussion continues with our Councillors, M.P., Plymouth City Council, the South Hams and the developers. We are very much aware that we must hold the developers and Councils to past assurances that were given.

We have been disappointed by the appearance of LED lights within the Conservation Area, which we feel are inappropriate. We are engaged in discussions where we are battling bureaucracy and hope we can arrive at a satisfactory compromise.

Significant proposals have been made with reference to Plympton House, formerly St.Peter’s Convent. We have been able to discuss these and await the submission of the formal planning application. Plympton House as a Grade I building relates to its grounds and immediate setting, and it is important that any development is sympathetic. At this point we feel that this has been recognised and that there are grounds for optimism.

We are delighted to have been awarded a Gold Pennant by the Royal Horticultural Society in Britain in Bloom. There are seven criteria ranging from flowers, community involvement, communication and environmental quality. The judge was most impressed by the number of residents who contribute to making the Conservation Area so attractive. Pathfields was given a Silver Award by Plymouth in Bloom as an Environmental Project. We are indebted to the work parties who have contributed, ranging from Closereach, Police Cadets, residents – and their grandchildren! Our present concern is the Wildflower Meadow where wild flowers were conspicuous by their absence. We hope that next year our efforts will be better rewarded.

The Civic Association tries to reflect the view of all who live in St. Maurice, and we welcome suggestions and help. Please contact Freddie Mills – Tel: 335306, Janet Skinner Tel: 337512.

Diary Dates: Christmas Buffet Lunch - 6th December - tickets now available from Janet Skinner

AGM - Thursday 21st January 2016 - 7.30 p.m.

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