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Plympton St Maurice 2016 Calendar

We've been asked by a local resident to publish the article below about a 2016 calendar with views of Plympton St Maurice that she has published. We are not affiliated with this publication, but we're happy to share this information.


It was an exciting day for a local mum Janet Wise this week when her much anticipated calendars and canvasses arrived from the printers. This was the result of attending a Carers Hub photography course last year aimed at helping carers relax and have some respite from their caring roles.

Janet said ‘I have always loved taking photos and when I saw this course I thought it would be great to learn more about how a camera works and how to properly take pictures. They loaned us cameras to take pictures between the sessions and one of the first pictures I took was of St Maurice Church from George Lane which came out beautifully. That is the picture on the front cover of the calendar’.

Janet approached Sally Collings of ‘Priority Dry Cleaners , Laundry and Photo Services’ in the Ridgeway and asked her if she would be prepared to sell some calendars in the shop. Sally said ‘When I saw the calendars I thought they were really nice and that local people would be interested. I wanted to help Janet and we also thought it would be good to get some canvasses printed which I’ve got displayed in the shop too. I’ve always believed in helping each other out’.

Recently a local resident asked exactly where in Plympton St Maurice the photos were taken and this sparked an idea for a competition. Janet said ‘ There are some well known Plympton St Maurice landmarks but others images would need a closer look. We thought it would be fun to make it in a competition to name the spot it was taken at. Anyone can enter for free at the shop and the winner will get a free calendar or a canvass print. Competition closes at midnight on 31st December and the draw for the winner will take place in the shop on 2nd January at 12 noon.’

The first answer has already been revealed above!

Janet Wise

2 St Maurice Road,



01752 283953


Here are some clues to help you with the others:

January: The Lamb Feast is held here every year - take a turn around the edge.

Feburary: Ancient halls Plymouth, Devonport and our very own.

March: Our own ancient monument has green all around - this time a different edge.

April: The church you'll know the spot is set back behind the school near a Close of 'Thread'

May: A peaceful allyway between ancient houses on St Maurice's former 'foreshore' Street

June: This road shares its name with a popular tourist part of Plymouth

July: The educational establishment of a famous local Artist

August: This street housed many commercial properties including the Police Station and the Post Office

September: Skies above our beloved Church – taken from a road on the 21 bus route

October: Surely no clue needed!

November: So many to Remember

December: The interloper! Not in St Maurice but keeping our residents fed and watered we love our local shops.

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