Going for Gold – Britain In Bloom 2021
We are unable to have the Hidden Gardens event again this year due to the on-going concerns of the coronavirus pandemic and the risks such an event would pose. This was a difficult decision to make but we do have to put everyone’s safety first.
However, we are entering the Britain in Bloom competition as usual and this year we are hoping we can get more people involved and see if we can get a gold medal for our collective efforts.
It would be great if you could look to see how you can add some additional colour and interest to your front garden spaces by adding some pots, window boxes, or hanging baskets. We appreciate this won’t be possible or practical for everyone, but maybe people could decorate their windows instead – we’ve seen some amazing creative output from the Christmas and Easter window displays and so we know we have the talent in the village! Whatever people can do to add to a blooming spectacle will be appreciated!
We will be putting up some hanging baskets and planting up some of the communal troughs around the village to add to the overall display and if anyone is able to help with watering some of these that would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you can assist.
The Britain in Bloom judges will be coming round on the 15th July and Wendy and Mo will be giving them a tour of the village. We therefore have a few weeks to get things looking great. Rumour has it that the bunting will be going up to coincide with this and we know this always gives everyone a lift and so let’s use this to make a real effort in getting the village looking its’ absolute best!
With this in mind it would be fantastic if we can get together over the weekends of the 3rd and 4th Julyand 10th and 11th July to do some general tidying up and weeding – more details of this will follow but please make a note in your diaries!
We will be creating an on-line display of our wonderful gardens again this year so we would welcome photographs of either your front or back gardens. If these can be sent direct to hello@plymptonstmaurice.com by the 7th July at the very latest, we will aim to have the virtual display available on Britain in Bloom judging day.
Looking forward to seeing the collective efforts!